Friday, October 8, 2010

Monday 4th/Tuesday 5th October-Vancouver.

Arriving at the Rossellen Suites in the Stanley Part part of Vancouver we discovered that the owner, Jean had forgotten to record our booking and was fully booked for that night.
The poor fellow looked shell-shocked at his own incompetence, not to say more than a little embarrassed. Jean eventually found us another suite nearby although one has to admit that Mrs I was not in a particularly forgiving mood in spit of his 'mea culpa' . Having for almost an hour for a cab to transfer our cases did little to lighten the mood.
A nice cup of coffee at a local cafe the next morning did the trick and while Lyn and Bert went off shoppng G and I went off in a search of some computer games for Craig, with mixed success.

Returning to the suite we find that Jean from Rossellen had booked a limo at his expense to take us to the airport that morning- a very magnanimous gesture possibly brought about by Gail's standing with her foot on his neck the evening before!
The flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong turned out to be one of our worst ever, with very heavy turbulence over the Bering Sea, cabin crew who showed no human emotions during 12 hours of flying and  one flight attendant who virtually ran through the cabin dispensing coffee at the same speed as the people used to spray insecticide inside the aircraft while everyone covered up their face.
To make matters worse we had a captain who could have been wrestling with the controls on the flight deck or molesting his first officer for all we knew. After advising us that he expected smooth flying conditions he did not say a word during 12 hours when a number of nervous passengers would have welcomed  a few comments reassuring us that we were not about to come a cropper on the frozen wastes of the Arctic.
Arrived to the usual steamy Hong Kong climate and had an early night in a bid to avoid to much jetlag.

The Obese Ferret.

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