Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday 7th October( having crossed the International Dateline)-Hong Kong

Staying at the YWCA on Hong Kong Island. Lovely hotel  although the requirement to hold hands and bless the food in the breakfast room is not something with which I am totally comfortable.
First port of call on a very misty morning is the Peak Train to the top of Victoria Peak.
Not a great deal has changes withe train except that all of the seats face up to the peak and makes for inferior sightseeing during the trip in both directions.
I wimped out on taking the elevator to the Peak Tower but I missed little due to the heavy fog.
A walk along Lurgan Road provided some spectacular views out over Victoria Harbour and the incredible proliferation of high-rise buildings on both sides of the harbour.
Afternoon visits to Hong Kong Park and the Botanical Gardens give us some respite from the hustle and bustle of the city and an enjoyable day is wrapped up with a trip over to Kowloon to view the Light and Sound show featuring the high-rise buildings along both sides of the harbour. The show is impressive enough but one came away with the feeling that some more stirring music could have made for a much more memorable spectacle.
The Obese Ferret

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